FFmpeg recipes
FFmpeg is an open source command line tool to convert multimedia files between formats and optionally apply a wide range of filters and effects.
Basic video conversion
ffmpeg -i input.mov output.mp4
FFmpeg can be very simple to use. It has useful defaults for quality and video/audio codecs to use, so you tend to get what you expect for well-defined file formats.
Convert a collection of 4k videos to a smaller size
for f in *.MP4 ; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -vf scale=1920:-1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 22 -metadata artist="My Name" "${f%.*}sml.mp4" ; done
Find all the *.AVI files in a sub-directory structure and convert to MPEG-4
find . -type f -name "*.AVI" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' line ; do
ffmpeg -i "$line" -preset slow -crf 23 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart "${line%.*}.mp4"
Generate Apple-compatible HEVC H265 encoding
ffmpeg -i input.mov -c:v libx265 -crf 28 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -tag:v hvc1 output.mp4
The -c:v libx265
sets the video codec to H265.
The constant rate factor (crf) defaults to 28 for H265 encoding, so the -crf 28
option in this command is redundant, but you can make the number lower (for higher quality) or higher (for lower quality). The range is between 0 and 51, but the extreme values aren’t much use. Changing the crf setting by 6 in either direction will roughly double/halve the video bitrate.
In this example we’re setting the audio codec (-c:a aac
) and bitrate (-b:a 128k
). AAC is chosen by default for mp4 files, so it may not be necessary to specify the audio settings. If the source audio is already in a reasonable format and you just want to re-encode the video, then -c:a copy
can be used to exactly copy the audio without re-encoding.
The -tag:v
hvc1 option is the key to making the resulting video compatible with the Apple QuickTime player.
Useful 16:9 video sizes
The following frame sizes (in pixels) are in the 16:9 ratio and each dimension is divisible by 16.
Size | FFmpeg crop | FFmpeg scale |
5376×3024 | crop=5376:3024 | scale=5376:3024 |
5120×2880 | crop=5120:2880 | scale=5120:2880 |
4864×2736 | crop=4864:2736 | scale=4864:2736 |
4608×2592 | crop=4608:2592 | scale=4608:2592 |
4352×2448 | crop=4352:2448 | scale=4352:2448 |
4096×2304 | crop=4096:2304 | scale=4096:2304 |
3840×2160 | crop=3840:2160 | scale=3840:2160 |
3584×2016 | crop=3584:2016 | scale=3584:2016 |
3328×1872 | crop=3328:1872 | scale=3328:1872 |
3072×1728 | crop=3072:1728 | scale=3072:1728 |
2816×1584 | crop=2816:1584 | scale=2816:1584 |
2560×1440 | crop=2560:1440 | scale=2560:1440 |
2304×1296 | crop=2304:1296 | scale=2304:1296 |
2048×1152 | crop=2048:1152 | scale=2048:1152 |
1920×1080 | crop=1920:1080 | scale=1920:1080 |
1280×720 | crop=1280:720 | scale=1280:720 |